Monday, October 31, 2011

Me and Mrs. Jones

I have no idea why I titled this post as such.

Who's the only person that you're going to be with for the rest of your life? Not your mom, dad, brother, sister, or closest friend. You. You're the only person you're guaranteed to know from birth to death. So start getting to know yourself. And getting used to yourself. I see people I know unable to come to terms with themselves. And when they can't come to terms with themselves, they don't like themselves. And then they take that out on other people. Including you. And me. And that's just unpleasant.

I don't like speaking so vaguely, so I'll talk about something concrete. Today is Halloween. I saw a woman by herself dressed as a washing machine, casually sipping on a carton of chocolate milk. This was at around 8 pm. What was she doing? What event could she go to as a washing machine? At 8? On a Monday night? Like, what's even the purpose of Halloween if you're at the point where you are a laundry room appliance drinking a sugary beverage? I don't understand.

Friday, October 21, 2011

It is Getting Colder. Outside.

It is getting colder outside.
The leaves fall off of the trees.
The kids play on the slide (what?)
The men hunt the bees.

It is getting colder outside.
Ladies put on fur coats.
To school I will need a ride.
I'm not in the mood to take notes.

The air is cold.
The breeze full of ice.
Dear lord I'm going to fold.
Something related to mice.

Next time I apply to college I'm going to do my essays a little earlier. It is indeed getting cold outside. But I'm cool with that. I like fall. I think I'm the only person in my group of friends who likes fall more than summer. You never remember anything in summer, it's just the beach and laziness. But fall makes you realize that winter is coming, and you savor every warm day.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

First World Protests

The Occupy Wall Street movement is being a bit under-reported in the mainstream media, but it's happening for sure. ( I was watching a Youtube video of one of the protests, and I saw a man claim that this was the next Arab Spring. And THAT made me think about how Occupy Wall St is nothing at all like the Arab Spring.

When we protest on Wall St and a police officer unjustifiably sprays peacefully-demonstrating women with pepper spray, it shocks the country. But when several people a day are murdered by their own government in Syria, we do nothing.

Another thing is that OCWS needs to have clearly stated goals. I've heard it referred to as everything from the Left Wing Tea Party to the place for the whole 99% (of people who don't own most of the country's wealth) to come and protest, regardless of political affiliation. What, specifically, are they trying to accomplish. So much more could be done if specific goals related to legislation and the ousting of certain political leaders was stated.

I don't know why I'm bashing on this so hard. It seems to me that finally some sort of nationwide social protest is beginning to emerge (see like it already has in countries throughout the Middle East and even Europe and Latin America. I think I want this to succeed so badly that I'm pointing out the flaws out sheer nervousness. Americans have been apathetic about politics and social justice for waaayyy too long. Hopefully this doesn't become some mindless movement that just holds up signs saying "Make things better!!!"

Here's a clip from George Carlin, talking about why he doesn't vote.

I love George Carlin, but did he ever try to change anything?